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(C++) - 백준(BOJ) 4758 : Filling Out the Team




4758번: Filling Out the Team

For each player, you will output one line listing the positions that player can play. A player can play a position if each of their attributes is greater or equal to the minimum for weight and strength, and less than or equal to the slowest speed. If a pla


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📕 풀이방법

📔 입력 및 초기화

 1. while loop를 수행합니다. 2. 포지션을 지정받았는지 알기 위한 변수 hasPosition, 속도 speed, 무게 weight, 힘 strength를 지역변수로 선언합니다.

📔 정답출력

조건에 따라 출력합니다.

📕 Code

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
        bool hasPosition = false;
        double speed, weight, strength;
        cin >> speed >> weight >> strength;
        if(!speed && !weight && !strength) break;
        if(speed <= 4.5 && weight >= 150 && strength >= 200) 
            hasPosition = true, cout << "Wide Receiver ";
        if(speed <= 6.0 && weight >= 300 && strength >= 500) 
            hasPosition = true, cout << "Lineman ";
        if(speed <= 5.0 && weight >= 200 && strength >= 300) 
            hasPosition = true, cout << "Quarterback ";
        if(!hasPosition) cout << "No positions";
        cout << '\n';